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Commit to Change

Commit to Change

A Primary Prevention Initiative

Primary prevention is any action, strategy or policy that prevents intimate partner violence (IPV) from initially occurring. Primary prevention seeks to reduce the overall likelihood that anyone will become a victim or a perpetrator by creating conditions that make violence less likely to occur. Prevention of IPV focuses on preventing first-time perpetration and first time victimization.

A prevention approach that addresses factors at multiple levels is more likely to reduce violence over time. AVDA uses the social-ecological model, which considers the interactions between individual, relationship, community, and societal factors that influence the likelihood of intimate partner violence.

AVDA implements primary prevention curricula with youth in Palm Beach County. Middle and high schools sessions include root causes of violence, intimate partner violence, peer violence, and building healthy relationships. Through education and engagement, young people can learn to live violence free, and healthy lifestyles. As part of the program, students are encouraged and supported in developing community impact projects that bring the skills they have learned into their community. Youth become leaders to positively shift the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors young people hold about violence and abuse in their relationships and communities.  

Commit to Change programming creates the social change necessary to reduce inequities and disparities within our community that work against women’s empowerment, self-determination, economic, and gender equity by empowering young women and mobilizing young men as allies in reducing violence against women and girls.
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